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Simple dose computation

In this example we are going to create a generic CT and use the MCsquare dose calculator to compute the dose image


import numpy as np
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import math
from import CTImage
from import ROIMask
from import PlanDesign
from import DVH
from import Patient
from import mcsquareIO
from import readScanner
from opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.doseCalculationConfig import DoseCalculationConfig
from opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.mcsquareDoseCalculator import MCsquareDoseCalculator
from opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.resampler3D import resampleImage3DOnImage3D,resampleImage3D
02/08/2023 04:47:30 PM - root - INFO - Loading logging configuration: C:\Users\romai\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\opentps\core\config\logger\logging_config.json
02/08/2023 04:47:30 PM - opentps.core._loggingConfig - INFO - Log level set: INFO
02/08/2023 04:47:31 PM - opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.cupyImageProcessing - WARNING - Cannot import Cupy module
02/08/2023 04:47:32 PM - opentps.core.processing.registration.registrationMorphons - WARNING - cupy not found.
02/08/2023 04:47:32 PM - opentps.core.processing.C_libraries.libInterp3_wrapper - WARNING - cupy not found.

Generic CT creation

We will first create a generic CT of a box filled with water and air

ctCalibration = readScanner(DoseCalculationConfig().scannerFolder)
bdl = mcsquareIO.readBDL(DoseCalculationConfig().bdlFile)

patient = Patient() = 'Patient'

ctSize = 150

ct = CTImage() = 'CT'
ct.patient = patient

huAir = -1024.
huWater = ctCalibration.convertRSP2HU(1.)
data = huAir * np.ones((ctSize, ctSize, ctSize))
data[:, 50:, :] = huWater
ct.imageArray = data

Region of interest

We will now create a region of interest wich is a small 3D box of size 20*20*20

roi = ROIMask()
roi.patient = patient = 'TV'
roi.color = (255, 0, 0) # red
data = np.zeros((ctSize, ctSize, ctSize)).astype(bool)
data[65:85, 65:85, 65:85] = True
roi.imageArray = data

Configuration of MCsquare

To configure the MCsquare calculator we need to calibrate it with the CT calibration obtained above

# Configure MCsquare
mc2 = MCsquareDoseCalculator()
mc2.beamModel = bdl
mc2.ctCalibration = ctCalibration
mc2.nbPrimaries = 1e7

Plan creation

We will now create a plan and create one beam

# Design plan
beamNames = ["Beam1","Beam2","Beam3"]
gantryAngles = [0.,90.,270.]
couchAngles = [0.,0.,0.]

# Generate new plan
planDesign = PlanDesign()
planDesign.ct = ct
planDesign.targetMask = roi
planDesign.gantryAngles = gantryAngles
planDesign.beamNames = beamNames
planDesign.couchAngles = couchAngles
planDesign.calibration = ctCalibration
planDesign.spotSpacing = 5.0
planDesign.layerSpacing = 5.0
planDesign.targetMargin = 5.0

plan = planDesign.buildPlan()  # Spot placement
plan.PlanName = "NewPlan"
02/08/2023 04:47:49 PM - - INFO - Building plan ...
02/08/2023 04:47:49 PM - opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.planInitializer - INFO - Target is dilated using a margin of 5.0 mm. This process might take some time.
02/08/2023 04:47:49 PM - opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.roiMasksProcessing - INFO - Using SITK to dilate mask.
02/08/2023 04:47:58 PM - - INFO - New plan created in 9.920757055282593 sec
02/08/2023 04:47:58 PM - - INFO - Number of spots: 913

Center of mass

Here we look at the part of the 3D CT image where “stuff is happening” by getting the CoM. We use the function resampleImage3DOnImage3D to the same array size for both images.

roi = resampleImage3DOnImage3D(roi, ct)
COM_coord = roi.centerOfMass
COM_index = roi.getVoxelIndexFromPosition(COM_coord)
Z_coord = COM_index[2]

img_ct = ct.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)
contourTargetMask = roi.getBinaryContourMask()
img_mask = contourTargetMask.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)

#Output path 
output_path = 'Output'
if not os.path.exists(output_path):

image = plt.imshow(img_ct,cmap='Blues')
plt.title("Created CT with ROI")
plt.text(5,40,"Air",color= 'black')
plt.text(5,100,"Water",color = 'white')
plt.text(71,77,"TV",color ='red')
plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, 'SimpleCT.png'),format = 'png')
02/08/2023 04:47:59 PM - opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.roiMasksProcessing - INFO - Using SITK to dilate mask.


Dose computation

We now use the MCsquared dose calculator to compute the dose of the created plan

doseImage = mc2.computeDose(ct, plan)
02/08/2023 04:47:59 PM - opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.mcsquareDoseCalculator - INFO - Prepare MCsquare Dose calculation
02/08/2023 04:47:59 PM - - INFO - Write MHD file: C:\Users\romai\openTPS_workspace\Simulations\MCsquare_simulation\CT.mhd
02/08/2023 04:47:59 PM - - INFO - Write plan: C:\Users\romai\openTPS_workspace\Simulations\MCsquare_simulation\PlanPencil.txt
02/08/2023 04:48:01 PM - opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.mcsquareDoseCalculator - INFO - Start MCsquare simulation
img_dose = resampleImage3DOnImage3D(doseImage, ct)
img_dose = img_dose.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)
scoringSpacing = [2, 2, 2]
scoringGridSize = [int(math.floor(i / j * k)) for i, j, k in zip([150,150,150], scoringSpacing, [1,1,1])]
roiResampled = resampleImage3D(roi, origin=ct.origin, gridSize=scoringGridSize, spacing=scoringSpacing)
target_DVH = DVH(roiResampled, doseImage)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
ax[0].imshow(img_ct, cmap='gray')
ax[0].imshow(img_mask, alpha=.2, cmap='binary')  # PTV
dose = ax[0].imshow(img_dose, cmap='jet', alpha=.2)
cbar = plt.colorbar(dose, ax=ax[0])
ax[1].plot(target_DVH.histogram[0], target_DVH.histogram[1],
ax[1].set_xlabel("Dose (Gy)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("Volume (%)")
plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, 'SimpleDose.png'), format = 'png')

print('D95 = ' + str(target_DVH.D95) + ' Gy')
print('D5 = ' + str(target_DVH.D5) + ' Gy')
print('D5 - D95 =  {} Gy'.format(target_DVH.D5 - target_DVH.D95))
D95 = 10.667724609375 Gy
D5 = 15.92838062959559 Gy
D5 - D95 =  5.2606560202205905 Gy


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