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Bound Constraint Optimization
import math
import os
import logging
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sys
from import CTImage
from import ROIMask
from import ObjectivesList
from import PlanDesign
from import DVH
from import Patient
from import FidObjective
from import mcsquareIO
from import readScanner
from import saveRTPlan, loadRTPlan
from opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.doseCalculationConfig import DoseCalculationConfig
from opentps.core.processing.doseCalculation.mcsquareDoseCalculator import MCsquareDoseCalculator
from opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.resampler3D import resampleImage3DOnImage3D, resampleImage3D
from opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.planOptimization import BoundConstraintsOptimizer, IMPTPlanOptimizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
01/08/2023 03:54:19 PM - root - INFO - Loading logging configuration: c:\Users\romai\anaconda3\envs\OpenTPS\lib\site-packages\opentps\core\config\logger\logging_config.json
01/08/2023 03:54:19 PM - opentps.core._loggingConfig - INFO - Log level set: INFO
01/08/2023 03:54:20 PM - opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.cupyImageProcessing - WARNING - Cannot import Cupy module
01/08/2023 03:54:20 PM - opentps.core.processing.registration.registrationMorphons - WARNING - cupy not found.
01/08/2023 03:54:21 PM - opentps.core.processing.C_libraries.libInterp3_wrapper - WARNING - cupy not found.
01/08/2023 03:54:21 PM - opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.lp - WARNING - Ignore the following warning if not using Gurobi linear optimizer. Gurobi not required for most features provided in OpenTPS
01/08/2023 03:54:21 PM - opentps.core.processing.planOptimization.solvers.lp - WARNING - No module Gurobi found
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Generic example: Box of water with squared targets
#Output path
output_path = 'Output'
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
os.makedirs(output_path)'Files will be stored in {}'.format(output_path))
ctCalibration = readScanner(DoseCalculationConfig().scannerFolder)
bdl = mcsquareIO.readBDL(DoseCalculationConfig().bdlFile)
patient = Patient() = 'Patient'
ctSize = 150
ct = CTImage() = 'CT'
ct.patient = patient
huAir = -1024.
huWater = ctCalibration.convertRSP2HU(1.)
data = huAir * np.ones((ctSize, ctSize, ctSize))
data[:, 50:, :] = huWater
ct.imageArray = data
roi = ROIMask()
roi.patient = patient = 'TV'
roi.color = (255, 0, 0) # red
data = np.zeros((ctSize, ctSize, ctSize)).astype(bool)
data[100:120, 100:120, 100:120] = True
roi.imageArray = data
01/08/2023 03:54:22 PM - __main__ - INFO - Files will be stored in c:\Users\romai\OneDrive - UCL\Job MIRO\OpenTPS\website_opentps\examples\notebooks
Design plan
beamNames = ["Beam1"]
gantryAngles = [0.]
couchAngles = [0.]
# method 1 : create or load existing plan (no workflow)
# Configure MCsquare
mc2 = MCsquareDoseCalculator()
mc2.beamModel = bdl
mc2.nbPrimaries = 5e4
mc2.ctCalibration = ctCalibration
# Load / Generate new plan
plan_file = os.path.join(output_path, "Plan_WaterPhantom_cropped_resampled.tps")
if os.path.isfile(plan_file):
plan = loadRTPlan(plan_file)'Plan loaded')
planInit = PlanDesign()
planInit.ct = ct
planInit.targetMask = roi
planInit.gantryAngles = gantryAngles
planInit.beamNames = beamNames
planInit.couchAngles = couchAngles
planInit.calibration = ctCalibration
planInit.spotSpacing = 5.0
planInit.layerSpacing = 5.0
planInit.targetMargin = 5.0
planInit.scoringVoxelSpacing = [2, 2, 2]
plan = planInit.buildPlan() # Spot placement
plan.PlanName = "NewPlan"
beamlets = mc2.computeBeamlets(ct, plan, roi=[roi])
plan.planDesign.beamlets = beamlets
beamlets.storeOnFS(os.path.join(output_path, "BeamletMatrix_" + plan.seriesInstanceUID + ".blm"))
saveRTPlan(plan, plan_file)
plan.planDesign.objectives = ObjectivesList()
plan.planDesign.objectives.setTarget(, 20.0)
plan.planDesign.objectives.fidObjList = []
plan.planDesign.objectives.addFidObjective(roi, FidObjective.Metrics.DMAX, 20.0, 1.0)
plan.planDesign.objectives.addFidObjective(roi, FidObjective.Metrics.DMIN, 20.5, 1.0)
solver = BoundConstraintsOptimizer(method='Scipy-LBFGS', plan=plan, maxit=50, bounds=(0.2, 50))
# Optimize treatment plan
doseImage, ps = solver.optimize()
# Compute DVH on resampled contour
target_DVH = DVH(roi, doseImage)
print('D95 = ' + str(target_DVH.D95) + ' Gy')
print('D5 = ' + str(target_DVH.D5) + ' Gy')
print('D5 - D95 = {} Gy'.format(target_DVH.D5 - target_DVH.D95))
# center of mass
roi = resampleImage3DOnImage3D(roi, ct)
COM_coord = roi.centerOfMass
COM_index = roi.getVoxelIndexFromPosition(COM_coord)
Z_coord = COM_index[2]
Display dose
img_ct = ct.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)
contourTargetMask = roi.getBinaryContourMask()
img_mask = contourTargetMask.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)
img_dose = resampleImage3DOnImage3D(doseImage, ct)
img_dose = img_dose.imageArray[:, :, Z_coord].transpose(1, 0)
# Display dose
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
ax[0].imshow(img_ct, cmap='gray')
ax[0].imshow(img_mask, alpha=.2, cmap='binary') # PTV
dose = ax[0].imshow(img_dose, cmap='jet', alpha=.2)
plt.colorbar(dose, ax=ax[0])
ax[1].plot(target_DVH.histogram[0], target_DVH.histogram[1],
ax[1].set_xlabel("Dose (Gy)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("Volume (%)")
plt.savefig('img/BoundCon1',format = 'png')
24/07/2023 10:39:18 AM - opentps.core.processing.imageProcessing.roiMasksProcessing - INFO - Using SITK to dilate mask.
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