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In order to keep a stable core, only OpenTPS developers are allowed to modify files directly on the gitlab repository. However, if you feel you have identified and solved core-related bugs, do not hesitate to contact us or to create a merge request.

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OpenTPS at BHPA 2024

Last february second, Ana M. Barragán-Montero has been given the chance to present the OpenTPS project at the Belgian Hospital Physics Association (BHPA) annual symposium. This talk was the opportunity to present our project to the medical physics community. The OpenTPS team is looking forward to future occasion of presenting our work to the community. Our philosophy is based on open-source therefore we are grateful of such ways of exchanging with other medical physics experts.

Optimization of proton arc therapy treatment plans


For abstract refer to the full text link down below

Towards fast plan adaptation for ArcPT technology

Current approaches for dose optimization of arc proton therapy (arcPT) plans suffer from optimization times ranging from several minutes to hours. In the context of adaptive proton therapy, we aim to speed up the plan reoptimization process. To achieve this, instead of optimizing a new arcPT plan from scratch for each adaptive fraction, we propose to update the initial spot positions and their corresponding energies to the new anatomy of the day. Following this, we proceed to re-optimize only the most pertinent spot weights, which comprise less than 15% of all the spots. Currently, this approach allows arcPT plans to be adapted in less than 1 hour on a laptop (future evaluations will require more powerful computers).